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BMOB Kiddush Sponsorship Form

Kiddush Sponsorship Form

Deadline for submission is Tuesday night before the sponsoring Kiddush

If you prefer to use a printable form, please click here

Kiddush Sponsorship Options

Payment in full is due prior to kiddush

Disclaimer: All items subject to replacement with comparable items without notice.

Standard Kiddush: $750
Includes: Basic paper goods, drinks, pretzels, chips, pastries, herring, crackers, and potato kugel (4 pans)

Enhanced Kiddush: $1800
Includes all items in Standard Kiddush, plus cholent (4 pans), Hot Dogs (4 trays), and additional pastries

Gala Kiddush: $2,500 (plus optional upgrades)
Includes all items in Enhanced Kiddush, plus chicken platters (6) gefilte fish platter (1) Fruit platter (2)
Additional upgrades to Gala Kiddush:
 (pricing tba) - Cholent, Fruit, Gefilte Fish, Potato Kugel

Elegant Gala Kiddush: $3,600
Includes all items in Gala Kiddush plus meatballs (2 pans), salami platters (3), chicken platters (2 more) and additional pastries

Simcha Kiddush: price $6500 (plus additional upgrades) 
Includes all items in Gala Kiddush (with the additional upgrades) plus assorted salads (2), meatballs (2), poppers (2), pretzel chicken platters (2), additional pastries, additional cold drinks, upgraded paper goods, real linens (color availability based on available supply). Also includes wait staff 

Note: Kiddush Committee has the right to determine that additional wait/kitchen staff is required as part of Simcha Kiddush sponsorship to ensure appropriate staffing. 

Additional upgrades to Simcha Kiddush:
Note: additional upgrades necessitate additional linens, for which the cost of additional dry cleaning will be added to the sponsorship. The specific number of linens will be determined by the Kiddush Committee.

Disclaimers and Notes:
  • Payment in full is due prior to the Kiddush date.
  • All items are subject to replacements with comparable items without notice
  • Kiddush Committee has the right to determine that additional wait/kitchen staff is required as part of the kiddush to ensure appropriate staffing with any addtional guests and/or logistics.  The Committee has the right to add food based on the amount of addtional guests attending.  Any addtional Food/Staff/Linen required will be at an addtional cost.  Pricing to be advised.
Note: if you wish to add on to your gala or simcha kiddush, please contact Robyn at

Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785